About me and How Easy Recipes can Save YOU $300

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Misty H Gooding, EzineArticles.com Basic Author

Let's not talk about me, let's talk about how to save money. Sure you need easy recipes. But you have to know where to shop and what to buy. You have to start with the right ingredients at a great price. That's how you save money!

If I pay $3.99 for a pound of ground beef, I better have a great plan to stretch it for at least eight meals. Because I know how it is living paycheck to paycheck. Every day you wonder how to pay the bills AND put three meals on the table. My family of 3 burst into 6 in less than a week. I frantically started my easy recipes and frugal living out of necessity. I had the only income and I had to work magic, fast! It was all about me feeding 6 people on a very tight budget! It was scary at first.

But I decided I had to create simple, easy recipes to help my undersized budget feed my family. For several weeks, my kitchen looked like a science lab.

I wasn't trying to find a way to have more spending money or saving up for a vacation. I needed to find a way to make at least 18 meals every day that fit my tight budget.

That means my family of six having breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not snacks and dessert. But I found a way to do that too! Hey, when a girl wants chocolate, she'll find a way to get it! (it's a necessity in my house of 5 girls!)

After stressful days of minor victories, tons of frustrating research and many, many taste tests, I had enough delicious, yet easy, recipes for a 30 day menu. Most recipes cost less than $2 per serving!

I used my menu plan for the full 30 days and in one month I saved just over $500. I was up all night trying figure out what bills I had not paid. But you know what? All of my bills were paid. In two months, I was able to save a total of $1000 for a down payment on a car! I was unemployed AND on a fixed income. I was telling everyone I knew all about me and my money saving menus!

I was doing the “Snoopy” dance! I wanted to tell everybody about me and my $500 dollar savings! I started planning next month's menu immediately! Enough about me for now. Let's help you get started! You can have more money in your pocket and delicious food on the table and all of your bills paid too!

With the same easy recipes and frugal living tricks that I used to save over $500 in one month, you can save money too...every month! How much money you save depends on a few budget factors and the size of your family. For example, a family of four conservatively spends about $125.00 per person every month for groceries. That’s $500 every month. You could be saving $300 of that if you use a few simple tricks and plan ahead.

There are certain places that you should go to shop. There are certain times of the day to buy certain foods for best selection and greatest savings. How you prepare your groceries at home for storage and meals is very important to maximize your food and money saved. That's where you need to use my easy recipes to get out of the kitchen fast so you will have the energy to spend quality time with your family.

Is your family feeling the painful pinch of the economy? You can get relief and it only takes 30 days. You can take action right now. Today. And see a huge difference in your financial situation. Get relief and rid yourself of the stress from unpaid bills and bill collectors. Or you can keep doing whatever it is your doing and nothing will change. But that's not you is it? You are a person of action if you have read this far! Are you doing everything you can right now to help your family financially? Ask yourself the following questions.

Do you shop at the right places and the right time? Have you ever been stuck in the check-out line behind the “Coupon Queen”? Did you secretly wish you could reap her savings? King's Cuisine on a Pauper's Penny can help you!

What about those “sales paper routes”. You know, the weekly fliers and ads from the Sunday newspaper that send you to 5 different stores for their weekly bargains, only to discover you spent your grocery savings on gas to drive to the stores? Yeah, I’ve been there too. You don't need them! You have better things to do with your time.

My easy recipes don't require coupon clipping or sales paper routes! In fact, to date, I've saved much more money without them. I have fun with my menu and plan meals with themes. For example; "Movie Night", "Summer Fair" and "Dinner in Paris" are just a few of the themes I made up to go with my menus. Your family will love it!

Now my family lives for my easy recipes like Chocolate Nachos, Funnel Cakes make a regular breakfast appearance and Chicken Cordon Bleu (a mere $1.50 per serving) is a dinner favorite. Saving money never tasted so good!

Now, enough about me, I'm sure you want to get started. So, CLICK HERE to check out my Money Saving Tips!

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From About Me at Easy Recipes for Frugal Living to Easy Dinner Recipes


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