If you used the ebook, 'King's Cuisine on a Pauper's Penny', along with this website and spent 30 days cooking, planning and saving, you certainly have earned your braggin' rights!
Tell us how you did it!
Did you create your own money saving menu plan or use the one in the book and website? Did you create homemade meals for pennies instead of hitting the nearest drive thru? Maybe you discovered some other money saving tips?
Share it with us!
Did you take photos of the scrumptious dishes that saved you big bucks? You can upload as many as four pictures and really impress your fellow braggarts!
You're right, you might just make them jealous...you're uploading them right now aren't you? I'm impressed already!
Do you have bragging rights?
Tell us how much money you saved using my ebook 'King's Cuisine on a Pauper's Penny' and this website, www.easyrecipes4frugalliving.com.
Just follow the plan and recipes in the ebook for 30 days. Then come back and brag about your savings!